model: JA0816, LM0816, LM0816-12D
At first, make sure essential accessories are connected correctly.
1) 16.5V AC power connected
2) keyboard connect and can control
3) no bad contacts of equipment
4) all wired zones on the panel have been closed by resistors (if no wired sensors are connected)
5) antenna fixed
6) no re-chargeable battery connected ( the cable for it is open-end without short-circuit )
7) all remote control and wireless sensors are operated correctly on their own.
Wireless Detector Training Function
1.Format: 20+zone number (2 bytes )+F4 (Confirm Key), Zone number is from 01~16. Corresponding zone LED will light on.
2. Set Code: Press remote controller or activate the detector to send signal to alarm panel. The signal LED will light up when the alarm panel received the signal and saved to the specified zone., indicating the alarm panel the signal, Press F4 (Confirm Key), the corresponding zone LED light off, MEANS The host memory to the address of the wireless signal; THEN THE detector was triggered, will host the reception, to identify the corresponding address of the wireless signal, the corresponding report to the police standoff.
How learn remote control to control panel 816
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