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How setup multiple levels of defense zones

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 1:27 am
by admin
Model: LMS3, LMS3D

Multiple levels of defense zones can be set using the SMS command

- AA is double subarea and 01 to 06 means defense districts 1 to 6.
- B means the type of defense district. 1 means normal defense district, 2 means at-home defense district, 3 means intelligent defense district, 4 means emergence defense district, 5 means closed defense district.
- C has two types of status. 0 means no rings in that defense district when alarming, and 1 means ringing in that defense district when alarming.

For example: to set 5th defense districts as at home defense district, and requires siren ringing, send SMS message


to host computer.